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Weight-loss Surgery

Your journey from weight loss to wellness begins now

Obesity - what is it?

Stopping you enjoying life!

We know it's a complex long-term disease caused by the complex interplay of many factors. Poor sleep, stress, family and cultural behaviours, inactivity, hormones and your genes all contribute to obesity.

The associated medical problems

Having too much excess body fat impairs health, increases the risk of long-term medical complications and reduces lifespan. Such complications include:

  • Type 2 diabetes

  • Hypertension

  • Gallbladder disease

  • Fatty liver disease

  • Joint trouble (arthritis)

  • Infertility

  • Cancer such as colon, kidney, oesophageal, liver, endometrium and breast.

Obesity - what is it?

You've tried everything else

Green Smoothie

Why have weight-loss surgery?

Go beyond thinking about your weight and focus on what's important to you.

Perhaps you want to try get rid of your diabetes, improve your health overall, or run around  more freely with your kids or grandkids. Perhaps you're aiming higher? You want to drop the medication and do one of the Great walks you've always had your eye on...

Why have weight-loss surgery?
Caring Child

It's about you

What is weight loss surgery?

Weight-loss surgery is a very effective tool upon which to build your wellness journey in combination with behavioural and dietary changes.

Performed through a few small incisions the most common operations include:


Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy

The procedure involves removing approximately 75-80% of your stomach by turning it into a narrow tube.


Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass

The procedure involves creating a small pouch by stapling off a large section of the stomach.  A section of the small bowel is attached to this new 'pouch'.


These procedures can assist in sustained, long term weight-loss. Most patients will lose between 25-30% of their starting weight following Gastric Sleeve Surgery and 30-35% following Gastric Bypass. Please note that individual results will vary from person to person.

What is weight loss surgery?
Image by Nathan Dumlao
Image by Kelly Sikkema

It's normal to be nervous leading up to surgery,
we can help

How does the surgery work to reduce weight and  related complication?

Surgery reduces hunger, reduces the amount of food that you can eat and decreases the amount of food you absorb. This results from not just the physical change to the stomach and bowel but also due to changes in key hormones, bile salt metabolism and the all important 'gut microbiome'. 

How does the surgery work?

You're worth it

Happy Couple

Do I qualify for weight-loss surgery?

It depends on your Body mass index (BMI) and other weight-related complications.

Where do you fit?

<18.5 You may be underweight and do not qualify for weight loss surgery


18.5 -24.9 You have a healthy weight and do not qualify for weight loss surgery.


25-29.9 You may be overweight but are not a candidate for weight loss surgery. We can discuss other options


30-34.9 You may be a candidate for Gastric Sleeve or Gastric Bypass surgery.

Call or email us for more information


>35 You may be a candidate for Gastric Sleeve or Gastric Bypass surgery.

Call or email us for more information.

Do I qualify for weight-loss surgery?

Ready for change!

Image by Markus Spiske
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